Membership Update
Posted On: Sep 06, 2024

IAFF Local 3 Sec/Tres. 

September 6, 2024

Membership of Local 3,

I want to thank everyone for support over the past month. This has been a very intensive and delicate time. This message is an attempt to give the most transparency possible to everyone. Only a few members attended this months meeting, but I want to try and keep everyone informed. 

Phil and I met with GST Frank Lima, 9th DVP Mike Franier, IAFF Director of Strategic Campaigns (for the GST) Doug Stern, and a handful of other staffers for the GST. This meeting, among the multitude of others, was very enlightening to our course forward. GST Lima may be coming to Pueblo to talk to everyone as well. 

We have paid for a bond increase to cover the entirety of Local 3 assets at this time and we will continually monitor that bond to cover Local 3 assets in their entirety for the foreseeable future. This will be another constitution and bylaws article. 

Pueblo Police Department is continuing their investigation and waiting on the multiple banks to provide additional information. We all want answers sooner rather than later. Unfortunately, we are at the mercy of the system right now. Your principal officers have other avenues that we are pursuing as well.  

All of our bills for the hall are current and being auto drafted from our operating fund. We owed the CPFF 4 months of dues at the time of my swearing in, we now owe 2 and have a plan in place to catch up. We owe the IAFF Fire PAC money, but their people are getting back to me on that amount. Our charter is in good standing, minus the 15 years of audits that were not submitted to the IAFF. The IRS has updated our address and verified our EIN with a mailer en route. 

Some things have been lost over the years in our local. Decorum, audits, manners of business will all be addressed in the near future. 

Thank you for logging in and reading this. Please verify all your information is correct, 

Dylan Prijatel

IAFF Local 3 Secretary/Treasurer 

Contact Info
IAFF Local 3
116 N Main St
Pueblo, Colorado 81003

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